Thursday, March 24, 2011

Juku finish

Juku is finished and all the students have graduated so that means......I'M BORED. I now have tuesday and thursday evenings to myself and I don't know what to do. I am also finished at all of my schools for two weeks. So I have to sit in the office for two weeks with nothing but the internet and my imagination to console me. I'm gonna study Japanese, pretend like I'm being productive, possibly join a gym, create a list of stuff I want from America, and plan for next semester's juku. On white day I got lots of snacks and chocolates which I promptly devoured. Then on the 19th I went to Hyuga got lost and walked back to the main street which took 40 minutes. I scared the crap out of a random guy at a book store when I turned a corner to sharply and he smacked into the book shelf and spilled books everywhere. Then on Sunday I went to my students ballet recital and celebrated my supervisors birthday. I ate more food than I would have thought possible setting my stomach up for pain and agony. I have been tearing apart my house in an effort to clean it and reorganize it. I might destroy the wedge chair seeing as no one will sit in it. It's almost like its cursed. I'm gonna be here for another year so I want to be comfortable. A new couch should be a good option as well. This week is cherry blossom viewing and I'm going to go to the biggest bunch of them I can find and drink and eat. There are also lights for night time viewing and perhaps まつり foodstuffs. Yes, I am slowly but surely learning Japanese at a painfully low level. I know about as much Japanese as my 1st grade students know in English...sad day. But oh well I will keep plotting along. And yes this is my geeking out photo at bigbang 3-d

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