Wednesday, January 4, 2012


This explains most of the trip
Korea, a land full of spicy foods, cosmetics galore, and tempers running high. Had an amazing time in Korea just walking around and taking in the sights. Although we were a bit on edge and a bit nauseous, we came out on top and with overly filled suitcases. I saw what I wanted to see and went were I wanted to go. I do regret not going to the new years bell at the big square, but knew that if I went it would equal more sickness.
Day 1: Still in Japan, drove to Fukuoka on the highway. Cost $50 but was so worth it. Arrived at the ryokan and checked in. Hit up some shopping and eventually the onsen. Muqing and Lola used the hand massagers which immediately left them with their hands stuck in a large plastic box.
Day2: Drove to the port and 3 hours later arrived in busan via ferry. Took a taxi to the hotel to arrive just in time to meet Sakimi-san at the door. Stayed at Zen-backpackers, the cleanest hostel I've seen in a long time. Pristine with free toast and tea. Awesome view as well. We were starving so we got yakiniku/korean bbq and then hit the town for some shopping. First thing of importance to see= BIGBANG bus for Nikon. It was monstrous and plastered with pictures of all of bigbang in giant, color glory. Fan girled...Called it an early night and saw sherlock holmes. Awesome movie and then headed to TGI Friday for some chopped steak. Damn hamburg had disguised itself as chopped steak on the menu so got to eat chopped steak/hamburg for dinner..
Day 3:Went out and waited for our 5th person tomoyo-san and headed to the bullet train. Cheap and fast we arrived in Seoul around mid-day Arrived at our hostel only to find that they messed up the reservations and moved us to another hostel across the street called golden pond. Okay hostel, little messy, with strange shower, but overall no to bad. Dropped off the stuff and hit the town. Met a really cool girl at the hostel from Germany and got yakiniku(again) and drank an entire bottle of shoju in about 30 minutes. It was a bit potent and left me a bit spiny but overall much better taste than shochu. Went shopping around and only bought a bit and went to bed early. Hostel was hot, and I mean really hot. My apt. in Japan averages 5C in the winter, the hostel was at least 20C and I thought I was suffocating. I opened the window only to be thwarted by the lady wearing long sleeves in pants below me. She shut the window and turned the heater on high. : ( .
Day 4: Photo shoot=incredibly sick. How I mad it through this morning is a mystery for me. So sick and in generally a bad mood, I powered though 3 hours of make-up, hair, and free tea. I had alot of fun and was glad the clothes fit me although they added an extra piece in the front. After we shopped til we dropped. We went to meoyongdong and shopped at millions of cosmetic stores and street stalls. Bought my polaroid camera,cd's, northface jacket, and BSX stuff. Hit up all of the famous k-pop related items/stores. Posters, cutouts, and boot leg goods were everywhere and it looked like other people were fan girling as well ^-~ Ate more soups and street foods including spicy mochi then went to get massage. Note to self, never get a massage again. It was unpleasant and expensive. They beat the shit out of my back and my back hurt 3 days later. It might have helped my posture, but the pain was not worth it. The others got their unmentionables steamed, yes steamed, I'm not going to explain. Then we all headed to the onsen which was ungodly hot. Even hotter than Japanese bath houses. Did not enjoy.

Day 5: New years eve! DMZ tour was planned for half a day, so got up at the butt crack of dawn(still sick) and rode to the city hall and then headed to various places on the way. We saw the freedom bridge, and the original train intended to travel to north korea. It was rusted and not in use. We went to a mini museum where we saw a video and what is actually in the DMZ(mostly nature and land mines) It was freezing and everything was frosted and frozen. Finally we went to the 3rd tunnel, which was a steep climb into the ground that flattened in a small rocky tunnel you could walk to the end of. N. Korea dug it and when it was discovered they retreated back, whilst smearing the walls with black coal. They tried to claim they were mining coal even though the tunnel is granite. Walking back up was hot and tiring and then I bought snacks and randomly found bigbang cola!!We ended at an amethyst factory where could buy Korea's official stone. We went to a tea shop the diagnosis you, and then creates a unique tea blend for any ailments you might have. They even included bottles of extra tea to take home. Then our group parted ways. Muqing and I went on our k-pop craze while the others got massages and aka-sui. We went to se7en's chicken shop which had amazing food and then shopped on this amazing street with light show. I really wish I would have stayed there for New years. We went to SM entertainment and laughed at ourselves when we realized we could only stand outside of it. Headed back and ate cake and ice and we quietly rang in New years.

Day 6: People in our group got sick and so we headed to the hospital which discharged here very quickly. While Iv's were flowing we went to the main palace for the changing of the guards. We missed the first change so we wandered. It was cold and everything was frozen. We also saw a large gold statue. We went to Meoyongdong to meet up with our sick member and got lunch at a mild Italian restaurant and then split up again. Muqing, Tomoyo, and Sakimi went to Nandeomond for some bootleg shopping and Lola and I did a final sweep of Meoyongdong. Final cosmetics were  bought and we met back at the hostel to pick up the luggage then headed to catch the bullet train back to Busan. 3 hours later back at our original hostel we settled in and sorted the suitcases. We to a pasta shop that gave us free hot chocolate and delicious lettuce pizza.

Day 7: Pure traveling. Chilled at the hostel eating toast and tea then took a taxi to the port and ferried it back to Fukuoka. Then a 4ish hour drive back to Miyazaki, where we stopped and ate soba and ice. It was super mild after all the korean food. delicious! then got back around 9pm.

It was a difficult trip with lots of suitcases and opinions. But I'd like to think we came out happy and on top. I would love to go back and stay 2 weeks next time. I would travel slowly, stay in a different hostel, and never go to a bath house again. I got what I wanted and more. Leaning towards a short teaching time in Korea now, but to be determined.

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