Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bigbang bigshow 2012 alive tour!

okay this is going to take a while to adequately blog about what I've seen, but I just got back from day 2 BIGBANG bigshow alive 2012 tour and my mind has been blown!!! Holy beejezus it was amazing!

goods line
goods=sold out(mostly)
First I hit up the goods line. Let's just say things sold out, fast....Most everything was gone by the time I got there but thank god everyone was chill and having a great time. I like the goods at this concert and picked up quite a few things I wanted. The only thing I really wanted but couldn't get was the daesung fan. Oh well I'll be at the Fukuoka japan concert in the VIP section. Got my goods and then wandered around. I had some trouble reading things and understanding what it said, but luckily there was a lot of Japanese and English on things.
I was planning on picking up some soul headphones but chickened out on the prices at the last second. Picked up a new lightstick(my last one broke from rocking out at the last concert), Hoodie, paper crafts, and bandana.Below was a giant display of the gmarket collab with Bigbang. They had games such as bigbang basketball and this strange stepper machine that, the more steps you took the better a fan you were. You could win special prizes. I saw clear files, shirts, and special photos. They had a thank you box where you could write letters to the members. The paper had pictures of the member you were writing to.

Bigbang g-market collab=cute pics of g-dragon
We waited forever but were happy with our goods. There was a special line for Korean VIP'S to get special goods. いいいなあああああ!! I'm a Japanese VIP and wanted all the goods. It has gotten me the special VIP seats for the Japanese concert but is no good to me in Korea. Ok here's how I got the tickets to Bigshow 2012. I live in Japan as a teacher and have two Japanese friends who love bigbang. We used a special company called a だいこ (I think) It buys bulk tickets from other countries and sells them to people in their own home country. It IS more expensive than just buying the tickets on Gmarket, but it guarantees you good seats. I spent \10000 on my ticket alone, but I was in section 2 in the front stage. It was the best seats I could have imagined. I would pay it again to not have to fight on gmarket for tickets. I booked my flight from Miyazaki to Seoul for \20000 (there and back) and got a hotel in Meoyeoungdong(sp?) for cheap as well.

waiting for goods top needs a hug
So onto the concert. I went on day two, the Saturday, and after goods went shopping more. I came back around five and got in line for my section. First you got a wristband that identified you section/gate and then you got in line, with numbered groups. I was in 500-800. Our group was the third to enter for group two so we got great seats. At first I was confused. We were ushered in and after a bit of walked entered two's section. No one was there. The whole arena was empty! The hand full of people who had entered before us were all lined up next to the main stage. I thought it would be better to be near the extended stage so that's where I went. I'm a tall girl, at 6'ft (180cm) everyone was keen to stay away from me which was great, until the concert started. Slowly the whole section filled up and they started playing music videos to keep us entertained. I stood there forever(1 hour) while security yelled at us.....No camera's, no phones, no unauthorized goods, no light, etc. The number one rule was no pushing, which was useless by the time the concert started. This particular concert started late, about 15 minutes late and people were getting antsy. Finally it started with a hilarious opening sequence.
waiting to go in
It started with a bang and people went crazy. Sorry I have no pics, security was right in front of my and I didn't want to be thrown out. The threat was very real, with several people around me being dragged out, crying. Madness I tell you! Madness. I was smashed into the railing and stayed there the entire time. The girl next to me hyperventilated and had to be escorted out. The closest thing I can describe it as, is a mosh pit. A mosh pit of crazy fan girls and man was it awesome. My friends didn't fair so well and were pushed around. I could reach out and touch the stage and had a great view. They went straight into their new songs and blew everyone away. This was a loud concert. I have been to rock concerts in America that weren't as intense as this. All of the songs were awesome, most of the stages were new and many of the songs were a remix of the original. There were cool cut scenes in between performances. First up was Seungri who came out in this army laser costume and I must say he has gotten wayyyyy hotter. His singing has also improved and I really enjoyed him in Blue. He performed his songs and then it was on to Gd&Top. As usual they were energetic and bouncing around, TOP was even more bubbly than usual.
after and leaving
Then Taeyang performed his classic songs and really broke out in some fantastic dancing. It was better than usual and he had a back up crew of break dances. On a funny note one of the backup dancers in from of me(a guy) had a minor wardrobe malfunction. His pant had clips/buttons on the side so you can change them quickly but the whole backside of his cameo pants came undone and he was dancing around with his underoos showing. He quickly got of the stage. I really liked their fashion as this concert too! Cool jackets, hiphop accessories, and hats were the theme of the night. The final solo stage was Daesung. I really liked his new song and it sounded powerful and cool. I really liked the tempo of the song. I was super surprised when he had giant wings and floated above the audience. I noticed at Korean concerts the atmosphere is extremely different from Japanese concerts. The Korean concert was very loud, cool, and everyone seemed way more into it than in Japan. My favorite song was definately fantastic baby. If had a club like atmosphere and everyone was singing and dancing. G-dragon rocked it and TOP's boomshakalaka's had everyone cheering. Second song was ain't no fun. I really liked the girls vs. boys vibe and the stage was pretty sexy. 
stage, all the black areas were screens
Funniest things this concert.
1) Taeyang and Daesung rolling across the audience in giant human hamster balls. Taeyang looked  like he was having the best day ever as he ran around. At first I thought they would stay on the stage, but then the rolled onto the audience essentially crowd surfing without being mauled.
2) G-dragon sitting in front of the girl next to me on the stage and taking her hand made sign. He said something to her and handed her one of his towels. Fan girls near her were sooooo envious!!
3) The girls behind me catching Daesung's towel and fighting over it. The security man made them rock scissor paper for it and the winning girl cried.
4) Backup dancer pants falling off.
5) Seungri mocking Taeyang's dancing and all of them laughing.
after the concert, couldnt take pics where I was because security man threatened to remove me from the front row.
The last part of the concert was lots of fan songs and we cheered for an encore. There was lots of towel throwing and I believe GD accidently threw his jacket into the crowd. I think he was aiming for the edge but it flew into the audience and was consumed by fan girls. It ended and we were ushered out quickly. Thing to note. HUGE line for the subway. Have your t-card loaded or you'll be waiting in line for a ticket forever.
goods, games, and lots of photos


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