Friday, October 14, 2011

dancing and drawing

Not much to write about but must keep writing weekly to keep the blog going. Went to sports day at Yowara and had a great time. I got to participate in the giant ball rolling event, although the ball was paper-mache and really hard to push(with no help from muqing). Snagged some lunch and headed back for some epic house cleaning. I find that if I don't clean the house once a week by week two the house looks like hell. It's finally colder out and I can break out the hoodies!! Well, not really seeing as I can't wear them to work.....So....Let's break out more suit tops!! Still working on my drawings. Seeing as I keep drawing k-pop pictures I bought a new sketchbook and am going to try to draw more serious things in a more original way. Thumbnails commence! I have over 20 pages of miniature drawings that I plan to turn into large scale drawings, but I have been super busy with am now obsessed with supernatural. I first watched the animated series which covered the first two seasons and I'm hooked. Season two finale will be watched tonight and then I'm gonna take a break so I don't die from watching too much tv. Tonight is dancing, traditional dancing that is so repetitive that you can space out. Finally finishing out the week with the obi festival where said dancing should be done in front of a large crowd and cameras.Good to finish the last k-pop drawing for a while. Here's a pic from the second to last drawing.

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